Black Knobbed Map Turtle for Sale
At the lowest prices on the internet, we have perfect Black Knobbed Map Turtle for Sale Online at Exotic Reptiles Marketplace. These distinctive-looking reptiles, also known as Black Knobbed Sawback Turtles, have distinct black knobs that protrude from the top of their carapace. They are fiercely guarded, which explains why you hardly ever see them on the market. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is given instantly when you purchase a map turtle from us. For your new pet turtle, don’t forget to purchase some of our incredibly nutritious food. Additionally, you can purchase top turtle supplies from us.
Sexing Your Turtle
Please feel free to request a male or female turtle (or any combination thereof) when you order our medium and adult sized reptiles, but please be aware that we cannot guarantee the sex. However, we can guarantee that someone very experienced with reptiles will attempt to select the specific turtle(s) you are requesting.
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